Day off for Scott!

Hello world!
I had the day off yesterday. I was so excited because I thought I was going to have a nice long weekend, but I got sick! Isn't that typical. It seems like I always get sick when I don't have to go to school, but suddenly when I have a day to do anything I want, I'm as sick as a dog. I think I have the thing that has been going around the university for the last few weeks . . . runny nose, fever, sinus headache, etc.
However, it didn't destroy my day off. The first thing I did on my day off was go downtown to get my new driver's license. My old one expires on Friday (MY BIRTHDAY!), so I had to get a new on Monday or I'd be in trouble. Naturally, first I went to the wrong building to go and get my new license, so I had to walk all the way across downtown. That meant that by the time I got to the registry office, I was all hot and looked pretty weird for my picture. My nose was running and my face was bright red, and my hair was all messed up from my toque. Anyway, the lady took my picture and then wouldn't let me see it. I bet I looked like a freak. Then, when we were doing all the information, she asked me if all the details were still the same . . . for example, do you still weigh 194 pounds. I said yes. Ulp. I guess what I meant was that I want to weigh 194 pounds, you see, I have gained a few pounds in the last five years. When I went home after getting my license I weighed myself and I was 204 pounds . . . holy cow! What happened to me? Anyway, I now need to lose 10 pounds pronto or my license will be wrong. No more donuts for me!
After that depressing morning, I really needed to do something fun, so I jumped in my car and I went to Banff. It was really great. I went to the hot springs and soaked away all my worries (and maybe a couple of ounces). Now there are only four more days until another long weekend . . . woo hoo!
Oh... I so want to go to Banff....
I miss hotspring.
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