I went to the parade! Did you?

I hope all my students enjoyed their day off on Friday. So far, the Stampede has been great. I have already been to two free Stameped breakfasts, and I'm sure I 'm going to go to a lot more before all this is over. On Thursday before school I went to the free Stampede breakfast at the CBC. There were so many people there, and there was even a buffalo! It was a lot of fun. I would have have liked to have stayed longer, but I had to give my students an essay test that morning :-) The best part was the pancakes. I love flapjacks!
On Friday, I went to the Stampede Parade. I looked for my students, but I couldn't see anyone. I was at the corner of 9th Street and 6th Avenue SW. I was hoping I might see someone, but that's okay. The parade was great. I wish I could play the bagpipes. Whenever I hear bagpipes, something deep inside of me is always touched. It must be some long forgotten Scottish ancestor inside of me. After the parade, I hung around downtown, and I couldn't believe I was in Calgary. Suddenly there were so many people around. It was like I was in a real big city :-)
Anyway, yesterday, I went to the local free Stampede Breakfast at the Hillhurst-Sunnyside Community Centre. I got to meet my local MLA Dr. Swan. It was pretty cool because he is a liberal and not a conservative. I still didn't vote for him, but at least it didn't offend my principles too much accepting pancakes from a liberal (I'd choke before I took free pancakes from 'the other party').
Anyway, that's my Stampede so far!
I missed Stampede Parade, but I will not miss the free breakfast! haha...
o~ wish you still have a great time there without our company~haha
Hey, Scott, the job is fine - though you can't please everybody... especially when the weather is hot!
I'm having trouble replying to Cody's blog. My internet is having trouble with the movies he has on his blog and every time I go on, it crashes.
Hi, you still talk about foooood! nice, tough;)
Wow parade!????? and free food!??? I envy you so much!! Im in my room doing nothing:(( Id been busy with my job hunting but now Im waiting for the results of my final screenings n interviews... wish my luck from Canada, okay??
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