Holy cow, I've been sick lately. And it seems like all of my students have been getting sick too. It must be the flu season. Everyone is walking around sneezing and coughing, with headaches and stuffy noses. boo hoo. I just want to get better. I think I have had a cold and/or flu for about three weeks now. Enough already!
However, I did manage to have some fun this weekend. It was my Mum's 64th birthday this weekend, and to celebrate we went to the Palliser Hotel for Sunday Brunch. It was soooooo awesome. The Palliser Hotel is great, and the brunch is out of this world. There were so many choices. My favourite thing had to be the "eggs pacifica". They were a kind of eggs benedict, but with salmon instead of ham. I put up a picture of some eggs benedict for people who have never seen them before. Just take out the ham and add smoked salmon. I also had a omlette that was made in front of my eyes, a belgian waffle (also made in front of my eyes), a huge pile of different kinds of fish (including trout!), and about a dozen different pieces of cake. I was a little bit full after brunch :-) I guess that is the trouble when to you to a buffet style brunch. However, it was just amazing. I think my Mum had a really good time too. I was a bit worry about my Dad though because he has diabetes and he ate a lot of cakes, and then he forgot his diabetes pills. However, I guess it was a special occasion one time only type of thing so it's okay.
Anyway, if you are ever looking for a super fancy place to take some one for the best brunch of their entire lives (it was so fancy, that there was even a guy playing a grand piano while we ate brunch), I totally recommend the Palliser Hotel on Sundays (but be warned, it's exxxxppppeeeennnnsssssiiiiivvvveee!!!)